Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Independently Mobile!

The biggest accomplishment of Term 2 so far has been my new-found mobility:

I really didn't want to get a moto, because it was one more thing to worry about, and be responsible for. I wanted to move to a "real city" so that I would have access to public transportation and wouldn't have to drive anywhere, so it seemed silly to get a moto. But the truth is school is very far, unaccessible by public transportation in any reasonable, efficient way, and there just isn't enough TIME to deal with public transport. There is a bus that stops within a 5 minute walk from school - BUT, it only comes once every 30 minutes, it takes about 20-30 minutes, and its another 10 minute walk from the bus stop home. This results in up to an hour simply for the process of getting home - time I just don't have.

Fall term I relied mostly on rides from my roomate Andri and my teammate Ian, and for the most part this was a satisfactory arrangement. Over time, though, I started feeling annoying to constantly have to ask people for rides, and because these are also the two people that help me the most with the academic aspects of school, I was starting to feel like I was relying on them for too much. Andri actually literally saying that to me, that I relied on him too much, didn't help either.

So, I sucked it up, and I got a moto. The first few days were tough, and I was super tense and terrified on the 15-20 minute ride to and from school. I also refused to drive anywhere BUT school, since I was scared of unafarmiliar routes. Slowly but surely, though, I've made progress. Wednesday I drove Alexa from home to and from the gym (which is only 1.5 KM away, so it was a good starting point) and Friday I took the two of us all the way from school to the gym and home. Last night, though, was the biggest accomplishment yet - I ventured to a completely unknown place - the OTHER gym by school. Though I did get lost, I managed to pull over, take out my phone, re-find myself, and eventually, find the gym. A small accomplishment, but for me it was the overcoming of a huge, albeit irrational, fear. It was well worth it, too, cuz the other gym offered a kickboxing class that my gym didn't, and it was GREAT.

Today, I have a new obstacle - pumping gas.