Friday, January 29, 2010

Interview Whirlwind: IESE Interview, Day 7

So, the current high in NYC is 25 degrees, which means that most of the day its between 15 and 18. In other words, COLD. So I have absolutely no desire to do anything but sit indoor, which worked out nicely today since I was just prepping for my interview, resting, getting pretty, etc.

My interview was originally scheduled for 4:30PM with the Director of Admissions, Javier Munoz. But two days ago I get an e-mail rescheduling my interview for 6:00PM and that I'm now interviewing with an associate director named Isabel Estallela. I was a little annoyed because I purposely didn't reschedule my interview to when I was in Barcelona because I was interviewing with the director of admissions , I was figuring what could be better than that? But oh well, gotta roll with it.

The Jumeirah Essex House, the hotel where all the events of the weekend were being held, was luckily right off the F train so getting there was easy for me. The hotel didn't have a coatcheck, somehow, so I checked my stuff in at the restaurant. Since I'd done my fair share of stalking the IESE website to see what Isabella looked like I spotted her right away in the lobby, still interviewing someone else. She looked bored to death, and like she was falling asleep. The girl she was interviewing didn't look too thrilled, either...I took this as a good sign, that by comparison with who she was interviewing right now, I'd be a burst of sunshine!

Unfortunately, the interview only last 30 minutes, which really concerned me. She asked me the predicted questions - what are your strengths and weaknesses, what are you going to contribute to the classroom etc. But she also asked me some unexpected questions:
1. When have you had to defend your current company, and how did you do it?
2. Describe your school days. What are the most memorable and fond memories you have of your childhood?
3. Name 3 employers you'd ideally want to work for.

I was totally unprepared for these, but I tried to wing it as best I could. The whole time, she looked like she was falling asleep and barely keeping her eyes open. Towards the end, when I started asking her questions, she brightened up a little and I found out that she had just flown in from Barcelona THAT DAY, a few hours earlier! And by that point, it was midnight Barcelona time. So, her lack of enthusiasm is understandable. I'm still concerned though, that the interview was so short. Maybe she got all she needed, or maybe she was bored. I asked her about the Assessment Day on Sunday, and she said weird things about my being admitted and about how I would have fun...

I can't say I feel fantastic about the interview , but I guess its an appropriate contrast. Cristina was SUPER excited about meeting me, therefore hard to read because she was so positive, peppy, enthusiastic. I guess this Isabel woman is the opposite of that, and equally hard to read. Whatever, its over. I then went to celebrate the fact that I survived with my friend Yana and Gene at the Russian Vodka Room in NYC:

Two more days to go!

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